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Date Area Item Comments
Jul 01, 2024 Vegetation, Yuccas Utah Yucca Updated photos
Jun 30, 2024 Vegetation, Yuccas Spanish Bayonet Yucca Updated photos, text
Jun 30, 2024 Vegetation, Grass Common Reed Updated photos
Jun 30, 2024 Vegetation, Yuccas Eastern Joshua Tree Updated photos
Jun 30, 2024 Vegetation, Yuccas Banana Yucca Updated photos
Jun 30, 2024 Vegetation, Yuccas Beargrass Updated photos
Jun 30, 2024 Vegetation, Trees Narrowleaf Willow Updated photos
Jun 30, 2024 Vegetation, Trees Gambel Oak Updated photos
Jun 29, 2024 Vegetation, Trees Tree Tobacco Updated photos
Jun 29, 2024 Vegetation, Trees Russian Olive Updated photos, text
Jun 29, 2024 Vegetation, Trees Curl-leaf Mountain Mahogany Updated photos
Jun 29, 2024 Vegetation, Trees Boxelder Updated photos
Jun 29, 2024 Vegetation, Trees Catclaw Acacia Updated photos
Jun 29, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Mojave Woodyaster Updated photos
Jun 29, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Parish's Goldeneye Updated photos, text
Jun 29, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Desert Princesplume Updated photos
Jun 29, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Blue Elderberry Updated photos
Jun 29, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Mojave Sage Updated photos, text
Jun 29, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Purple Sage Updated photos
Jun 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Bitterbrush Updated text
Jun 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Fremont's Dalea Updated text
Jun 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Whitestem Paperflower Updated photos
Jun 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Desert Almond Updated photos
Jun 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Bush Arrowleaf Updated photos
Jun 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Schott's Pygmycedar Updated photos
Jun 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Wild Crab Apple Updated photos
Jun 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Desert Tobacco Updated photos
Jun 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Utah Mortonia Updated photos
Jun 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Spiny Menodora Updated photos
Jun 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Fremont's Mahonia Updated photos
Jun 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Desert Peppergrass Updated photos
Jun 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Creosote Bush Updated photos
Jun 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Matchweed Updated photos
Jun 27, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Threadleaf Snakeweed Updated photos, text
Jun 25, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Spiny Hopsage Updated photos
Jun 25, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Yucca Buckwheat Updated photos
Jun 25, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Panamint Mountains Buckwheat Updated photos
Jun 25, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Nevada Jointfir Updated photos
Jun 25, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Death Valley Jointfir Updated photos
Jun 24, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs California Jointfir Updated photos, text
Jun 24, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Littleleaf Mountain Mahogany Updated photos, text
Jun 24, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Littleleaf Brickellbush Updated photos, text
Jun 24, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Mistletoes Updated photos, text
Jun 24, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Fremont's Chaffbush Updated photos, text
Jun 24, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Cooper's Dogweed Updated photos, text
Jun 23, 2024 Vegetation, Grasses Prairie Junegrass Updated photos, text
Jun 23, 2024 Vegetation, Grasses Squirreltail Updated photos, text
Jun 23, 2024 Vegetation, Grasses Bermudagrass Updated photos, text
Jun 23, 2024 Vegetation, Grasses Coastal Sandbur Updated photos
Jun 23, 2024 Vegetation, Grasses Cheatgrass Updated photos
Jun 23, 2024 Vegetation, Grasses Desert Needlegrass Updated photos, text
Jun 23, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Water Speedwell Updated photos
Jun 23, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Small Wirelettuce Updated photos, text
Jun 22, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Willow Dock Updated photos, text
Jun 22, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Chambers' Twinpod Updated photos, text
Jun 22, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Indian Breadroot Updated photos, text
Jun 22, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs California Evening Primrose Updated photos, text
Jun 22, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Watercress Updated photos, text
Jun 22, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Seep Monkeyflower Updated photos, text
Jun 22, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Alpine Biscuitroot Updated photos
Jun 21, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Skeletonweed Updated photos, text
Jun 21, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Jimson Weed Updated photos, text
Jun 21, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs New Mexico Thistle Updated photos, text
Jun 21, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Fendler's Sandmat Updated photos, text
Jun 21, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Whitemargin Sandmat Updated photos, text
Jun 21, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Woolly Desert Marigold Updated photos, text
Jun 21, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Desert Marigold Updated photos, text
Jun 21, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Clokey Egg Milkvetch Updated photos
Jun 20, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Minthorn's Milkvetch Updated photos
Jun 20, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Spreading Dogbane Updated photos
Jun 19, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs King's Angelica Updated photos
Jun 19, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Puncturevine Updated photos
Jun 19, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Barbedwire Russian Thistle Added a new species
Jun 19, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Prickly Russian Thistle Updated photos, text
Jun 19, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Desert Chicory Updated photos, text
Jun 17, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Velvet Turtleback Updated photos, text
Jun 17, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Desert Indianwheat Updated photos, text
Jun 17, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Daisy Desertstar Updated photos, text
Jun 16, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs African Mustard Updated photos, text
Jun 16, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Halogeton, Saltlover Updated photos
Jun 16, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Flix Weed Mustard Updated photos, text
Jun 16, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Desert Dodder Updated photos, text
Jun 16, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Devil's Spineflower Updated photos, text
Jun 16, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Bristly Fiddleneck Updated photos, text
Jun 15, 2024 Vegetation, Ferns Cochise Scaly Cloak Fern Updated photos, text
Jun 15, 2024 Vegetation, Ferns Common Maidenhair Fern Updated photos, text
Jun 15, 2024 Vegetation, Conifers Common Juniper Updated photos, text
Jun 15, 2024 Vegetation, Conifers Arizona Cypress Updated photos, text
Jun 15, 2024 Vegetation, Cactus Graham's Nipple Cactus Updated photos
Jun 15, 2024 Vegetation, Cactus California Barrel Cactus Updated photos, text
Jun 15, 2024 Vegetation, Cactus Cottontop Cactus Updated photos, text
Jun 14, 2024 Vegetation, Cactus Teddybear Cholla Updated photos
Jun 14, 2024 Vegetation, Cactus Saguaro Updated photos, text
Jun 14, 2024 Vegetation, Aquatic Plants Broadleaf Cattail Updated photos
Jun 14, 2024 Vegetation, Aquatic Plants Southern Cattail Updated photos
Jun 14, 2024 Vegetation, Aquatic Plants Alkali Mariposa Lily Updated photos
Jun 14, 2024 Birding, Outside Las Vegas Torrance Ranch Preserve Updated photos
Jun 13, 2024 Hiking, Gold Butte NM White Rock Road Updated photos
Jun 13, 2024 Hiking, Lake Mead NRA Wetlands Loop Trail Updated photos, text, map
Jun 13, 2024 Birding, Lake Mead NRA Birding the Wetlands Trail Updated photos, text
Jun 12, 2024 Hiking, Lake Mead NRA Northshore Mile 1.2 (Wetlands) Trailhead Updated photos, text, map
Jun 12, 2024 Birding, Lake Mead NRA Las Vegas Wash Scenic Overlook Updated photos, text
Jun 12, 2024 Birding, Lake Mead NRA 33 Hole Picnic Area Updated photos
Jun 12, 2024 Hiking, Lake Mead NRA White Owl Canyon Trail Updated photos
Jun 10, 2024 Backroads, Gold Butte Cabin Canyon Road Updated photos
Jun 10, 2024 Hiking, Gold Butte Little Finland Updated photos
Jun 09, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Portal AZ: Rustler Park Updated photos, text
Jun 08, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Portal AZ: Jasper Feeders Added a new birding location
Jun 07, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Portal AZ: Portal Town Updated photos, text
Jun 07, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Portal AZ: Rodrigues Feeders Updated photos, text
Jun 07, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Portal AZ: Cave Creek Ranch Updated photos, text
Jun 05, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Portal AZ: South Fork Road and Trail Updated photos, text
Jun 05, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Portal AZ: Southwestern Research Station Updated photos, text
Jun 05, 2024 Hiking, Avi Kwa Ame NM Hiko Canyon Trail Updated photos
Jun 05, 2024 Petroglyphs, Lake Mead Grapevine Canyon Petroglyphs Updated photos, text
Jun 05, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Creosote Bush Updated text
Jun 05, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Canyon Grape Updated text
Jun 04, 2024 Hiking, Lake Mead NRA Grapevine Canyon Petroglyph Trail Updated photos, text
Jun 03, 2024 Birding, Lake Mead NRA 33 Hole Picnic Area Updated photos, text, map
Jun 03, 2024 Hiking, Lake Mead NRA White Owl Canyon Updated photos, text
Jun 03, 2024 Geology Conglomerate Rocks Updated text
Jun 02, 2024 Birding, Lake Mead NRA Birding the Wetlands Trail Updated photos, text
Jun 02, 2024 Hiking, Lake Mead NRA Wetlands Trail Updated photos, text, map
Jun 02, 2024 Petroglyphs, Lake Mead Area Keyhole Canyon Updated photos
Jun 02, 2024 Hiking, Avi Kwa Ame NM El Dorado Wagon Road Trail Added a new trail
Jun 01, 2024 Hiking, Avi Kwa Ame NM Walking Box Road Added a new road
Jun 01, 2024 Birding, Urban Las Vegas Duck Creek Trailhead Updated photos
Jun 01, 2024 Hiking, Wilderness Areas Wee Thump Corral Updated photos
Jun 01, 2024 Backroads, Wilderness Areas Wee Thump East Road Updated photos
Jun 01, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Updated photos, text
May 25, 2024 Backroads, Lake Mead NRA Nevada Telephone Cove Road Updated photos, text
May 25, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Hassayampa River Preserve Updated photos, text
May 25, 2024 Hiking, Lake Mead NRA Anniversary Mine Road Updated photos, text
May 25, 2024 Glossary Cattle Guard Updated photos, text
May 15, 2024 Hiking, Lake Mead NRA Bowl of Fire - Southwest Loop Added a new route
May 15, 2024 Hiking, Lake Mead NRA Bowl of Fire - Southwest Updated photos, text
May 12, 2024 Backroads, Lake Mead NRA Callville Wash North Road Updated photos
May 12, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Creosote Bush Updated text
May 12, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Carrion Beetles Updated photos, text
May 11, 2024 Hiking, Mojave National Preserve Giant Ledge Mine Trail, Caruthers Canyon Updated photos, text
May 11, 2024 Hiking, Mojave National Preserve Caruthers Canyon Updated photos, text
May 09, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Madera Canyon Updated photos, text
May 09, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Patagonia Roadside Rest Area Updated photos, text
May 09, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Patagonia-Sonoita Creek Preserve Updated photos, text
May 08, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Paton Center for Hummingbirds Updated photos, text
May 08, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Cochise Lakes, Wilcox Playa Updated photos, text
May 08, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away San Pedro Riparian NCA Updated photos, text
May 08, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Birding Around Chiricahua Nat Mon Updated photos, text

Past revision history: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009 (no update records for 2008 to 2002).
Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
notice; Last updated 240701

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