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Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Hiking Around Las Vegas, Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, Calico Basin
Red Spring Boardwalk, Calico Basin
Red Spring Boardwalk
Signs on boardwalk - help protect your meadow!


Red Spring Boardwalk, or Calico Basin Boardwalk, is a delightful and fully accessible 1/2-mile hike in the Calico Basin area of Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area. The boardwalk is not on the Scenic Loop Drive, so there is no charge to use the area.

The boardwalk loop starts in a picnic area, switchbacks gently up a marshy hillside beneath towering Velvet Ash trees, and then makes a wide loop around an alkali meadow to Red Spring, which is at the far side of the meadow. Shaded benches provide pleasant places to sit, rest, and watch swallows and dragonflies flying over the meadow.

An alkali meadow is a saturated or seasonally flooded area with somewhat salty water where only salt-tolerant plants can thrive. Here, Alkali Sacatone grass, Saltgrass, and Yerba Mansa are common, while the Alkali Mariposa Lily is rare. Because there is surface water here, this is a good place to watch birds and other creatures that come to drink.

Link to map.

Red Spring Boardwalk
Red Spring picnic area and trailhead

Watch Out

Other than the standard warnings about hiking in the desert, ...this hike is fairly safe, even for kids. However, the boardwalk is elevated, so take care not to step off the side. While photographing a bird, I once backed up while looking through the camera and stepped off the boardwalk -- I fell into the mud with quite a thud, but I kept the camera clean!

The meadow harbors the rare Alkali Mariposa Lily, so please stay on the boardwalk so as not to trample the delicate vegetation.

While hiking, please respect the land and the other people out there, and please try to Leave No Trace of your passage. Also, even though this is a short hike, be sure to bring what you need of the 10 Essentials.

Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Red Spring picnic area and cement trail to boardwalk

Getting to the Trailhead

This hike is located in Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, about 30 minutes from downtown, but not in the Scenic Loop Road fee area.

Drive out West Charleston Blvd, turn right onto Calico Basin Road, and then drive into the Red Spring Trailhead. Park here; this is the trailhead. The parking area closes at sunset, so don't stay too late and get locked in.

Red Spring Boardwalk
The concrete path leads through the picnic area (view W)

The Hike

From the parking area, the concrete trail runs straight through the picnic area to the base of the boardwalk (Table 1, Waypoint 01). Beneath tall Velvet Ash trees, the boardwalk switchbacks up a marshy hillside to the edge of the alkali meadow with nice views out across the meadow and back down to the picnic area. This is a good place to stop and look for birds singing in the treetops.

Atop the switchbacks, the trail forks to begin the loop around the meadow. Hikers can walk in either direction and enjoy the scenery, but the photos here were taken staying to the left at the fork. Red Spring is located under the Velvet Ash trees in the far corner of the meadow from the fork, so neither direction is shorter.

Staying left, the boardwalk heads south along the edge of the meadow passing benches that invite people to sit peacefully in the sun or in the shade and watch violet-green swallows sallying back and forth across the meadow catching bugs.

Red Spring Boardwalk
Passing the picnic pavilion

Continuing on the boardwalk, the trail begins to loop to the right and passes more old ash trees. Shortly, the trail passes a trail junction where are the boardwalk spur to the left exits the area to the south. A fairly popular trail climbs the steep hillside to an overlook.

Continuing on the boardwalk, the trail heads due west to Red Spring (Wpt. 02). Shaded by tall ash trees, two benches invite hikers to sit and enjoy the cool spring environment. Lots of birds and flying insects make their home here among the lush vegetation. Rambunctious rock squirrels also live in this area, but for their own good, don't let them get your lunch.

Before the boardwalk was installed, people congregated at the spring and trampled all of the riparian vegetation. Now however, the habitat is recovering, and it is hard to see where the spring comes out of a natural sandstone tunnel. While possibly frustrating to hikers, this is a good thing for the habitat and the wildlife that comes to drink from this precious resource. The increase in vegetation has improved the birding experience, and keep an eye out for foxes.

Red Spring Boardwalk
Tree and spring that attract birds

The boardwalk continues, now headed north out from under the trees with grand views across the meadow towards red-and-white sandstone crags in the distance and gray limestone ridges on the horizon. Shortly, the trail forks again and a spur to the right ends on a platform more in the middle of the meadow.

Continuing straight, the trail arrives at an information sign (Wpt. 03) and petroglyphs on the left. The sign highlights one boulder, but look around for more petroglyphs including some at the base of the cliffs high above (although these are better seen from back in there Red Spring).

The boardwalk continues north crossing sandy soils on the edge of the meadow. This is a fun area to look for tracks in the sand. Watch for coyote tracks, kangaroo rat tracks, quail tracks, lizard tracks, and if you're very lucky: snake tracks or desert tortoise tracks.

Red Spring Boardwalk
Alternate start of the Calico Basin Trail (view N)

Past the sandy area, the boardwalk bends to the right again and begins looping east back towards the top of the switchbacks. Information signs in this area speak about Native Americans, plants, wildlife, and geology in the meadow area.

The geology sign, however, does not speak about the Shinarump Conglomerate, an important marker of time in local geology (225 million years ago). These well-polished (often red) river gravels were laid down in braided rivers during a time after the ocean receded and before the sand dunes and dinosaurs arrived.

Finally, the boardwalk loops back to close the loop at the top of the switchbacks and returns down to the picnic area and the trailhead (Wpt. 01)

Red Spring Boardwalk
Start of the boardwalk
Red Spring Boardwalk
Donation box
Red Spring Boardwalk
Information sign at the start of the boardwalk
Red Spring Boardwalk
New sign to remind groups and commercial operators.
Red Spring Boardwalk
Somebody tore down the sign, but the rule still applies ...
Red Spring Boardwalk
... protect your meadow habitat by staying on the boardwalk
Red Spring Boardwalk
Information sign at the start of the boardwalk
Red Spring Boardwalk
Information sign -- Red Spring: A Desert Oasis and map
Red Spring Boardwalk
Information sign -- Red Spring: A Desert Oasis
Red Spring Boardwalk
Information sign -- trail map
Red Spring Boardwalk
Start of the boardwalk adjacent to the picnic area (view S)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Ash trees provide lots of shade during summer (view S)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Velvet Ash trees and grassy meadow on the hillside (view W)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Hiker on the boardwalk
Red Spring Boardwalk
Hiker at second interpretive sign
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Interpretive sign: early birds and night owls
Red Spring Boardwalk
Hiker starting into the switchbacks (view SW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
First switchback (view NW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Marshy slope under the boardwalk (view SW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Turning the next switchback (view NW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Switching back (view SE)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Starting up the last switchback (view NW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Cresting the hillside, the alkali meadow comes into view (view NW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Alkali meadow during spring bloom (view NW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Looking down the hillside towards the trailhead (view NE)
Alkali Mariposa Lily (Calochortus striatus)
Alkali Mariposa Lily (Calochortus striatus)
Alkali Mariposa Lily (Calochortus striatus)
Our rare plant: Alkali Mariposa Lily (Calochortus striatus)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Alkali meadow (view SW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Boardwalk forks to start the loop (view NW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Staying left at the fork (view NW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
The boardwalk starts out into the alkali meadow (view SW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Just a reminder -- protect your meadow vegetation!
Red Spring Boardwalk
Alkali meadow during early summer (view SW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Benches in the sun (view SW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Benches in the summer shade (view SW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Tall Arizona Thistle in the meadow (view SW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
More benches in the sun (view SW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Hiker on the boardwalk (view SW)
Western Blue-eyed Grass
Watch for Western Blue-eyed Grass in the meadow
Red Spring Boardwalk
Hiker on the boardwalk (view SW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Hiker on the boardwalk (view SW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Concrete foundation of something old (view NE)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Alkali Sacaton Grass on the left; Yerba Mansa on the right (view SW)
Sporobolus airoides (alkali sacaton)
Alkali Sacaton Grass with open seedheads
Yerba Mansa (Anemopsis californica)
Yerba Mansa leaves and flowers
Red Spring Boardwalk
Lots of Yerba Mansa along the boardwalk in wetter areas

Spur to Boardwalk Exit onto Calico Overlook Trail

Red Spring Boardwalk
Hiker turning onto spur trail (view SW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Exit spur trail to Calico Overlook Trail (view S)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Trail sign and gate at the end of the spur trail (view S)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Hikers can enter the boardwalk here too (view N)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Trail sign (view N from outside the gate)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Trail sign (view N from outside the gate)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Trail sign (view N from outside the gate)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Trail sign (view N from outside the gate)

Continuing on the Main Boardwalk

Red Spring Boardwalk
Hiker continuing past the spur trail (view W)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Grand scenery across the alkali meadow (view N)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Grand scenery (view N)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Approaching Red Spring, proper (view SW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Boardwalk at Red Spring (view W)
Dense trees and riparian vegetation at Red Spring (view W)
Information sign: Ash trees and orchids
Dense trees and riparian vegetation at Red Spring (view W)
Information sign: A spring is born (geology)
Dense trees and riparian vegetation at Red Spring (view W)
Information sign: Repairing a home (habitat restoration)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Information sign: Red Spring residents (mammals)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Riparian vegetation along the spring outflow steam (view SW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Water, mud, marsh plants, and flying insects (view down)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Water, mud, marsh plants, and flying insects (view down)
Red Spring Boardwalk
The spring emerges from a barely visible cave
Red Spring Boardwalk
The spring emerges from a barely visible cave
Red Spring Boardwalk
Red Spring emerges from a short tunnel - summer 2005
Red Spring
Boardwalk, info signs, and benches at Red Spring (view NW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Boardwalk passing Red Spring (view NW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Boardwalk exiting Red Spring (view N)
Red Spring Boardwalk
The boardwalk runs north past Red Spring (view N)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Hard-to-see petroglyphs high on the hillside (view NW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Petroglyphs high on the hillside (view NW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Petroglyphs high on the hillside (view NW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Continuing on the boardwalk (view N)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Boardwalk forks ahead (view N)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Hiker approaching spur trail to the right (view N)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Hiker continuing past the spur trail (view N)

Spur Boardwalk to the Ceremonial Platform

Red Spring Boardwalk
Spur trail to the right (view N)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Spur trail to the right (view NE)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Spur trail to platform (view NE)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Platform at end of the spur trail (view NE)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Platform (view NE across the alkali meadow)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Platform (view N across the alkali meadow)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Platform (view NW across the alkali meadow)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Platform (view SW across the alkali meadow to Red Spring)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Butterfly on thistle
Red Spring Boardwalk
Returning to the main boardwalk trail (view W)

Continuing on the Main Boardwalk Trail

Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Hiker continuing past the spur trail (view N)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Hiker continuing on the main boardwalk (view N)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Petroglyphs are visible approaching the next sign (view N)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Petroglyphs (close-up)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Hiker at two interpretive signs (view N)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Interpretive sign on the right (view N)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Interpretive sign on the right (view E)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Interpretive sign: Protecting areas for future generations
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Hiker at interpretive sign on the left (view N)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Interpretive sign: Red Spring Rock Art (petroglyphs)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Petroglyphs on sandstone boulders (view W)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Close sandstone boulder with petroglyphs (view W)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Petroglyphs on sandstone boulder (close-up view W)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Rock stories -- what do they mean? (view W)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
More petroglyphs on sandstone boulder to the right (view NW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
A different view of petroglyphs on sandstone boulder (view W)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Another sandstone boulder with petroglyphs (view W)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Another sandstone boulder with petroglyphs (zoom; view W)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Hiker continuing past the petroglyphs (view N)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Hiker continuing past the petroglyphs (view N)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Hiker approaching another interpretive sign (view N)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Hiker at another interpretive sign (view N)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Interpretive sign (view NW)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Interpretive sign (view W)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Interpretive sign: Water-colored Rocks (view W)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
What is she pointing at?
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Fresh Kangaroo Rat tracks!
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Now what did she find?
Red Spring Boardwalk
Desert Tortoise tracks!
Red Spring Boardwalk
Desert Tortoise and Kangaroo Rat tracks!
Red Spring Boardwalk
Bushes and sand-dune habitat (view NE)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Hiker continuing on the boardwalk (view N)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Hiker approaching another interpretive sign (view NE)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Hiker at the next interpretive sign (view NE)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Interpretive sign (view NW)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Interpretive sign: Footprints at the spring (archaeology)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Ash Spring on the hillside with Velvet Ash trees (view NW)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Hiker continuing on the boardwalk (view NE)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
The boardwalk begins to loop back towards the fork (view NE)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Hiker on the boardwalk (view NE)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Hiker continuing on the boardwalk (view NE)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Hiker at the next set of interpretive signs (view NE)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Interpretive sign (view NE)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Interpretive sign: Desert partners (birds and plants)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Interpretive sign (view S)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Interpretive sign: Savers and spenders (plant ecology)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Broad, open salt-grass meadow (view SW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Mojave Thistle in the alkali meadow (view S)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Hiker continuing on the boardwalk (view NE)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Approaching hiker at the last interpretive sign (view E)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Hiker at the last interpretive sign (view E)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Hiker at the last interpretive sign (view E)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Interpretive sign: Written in the rocks (geology)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Hiker past the last sign on the trail (view N)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Hiker approaching the fork in the trail (view NE)
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Nondescript rock outcrop? We need an interpretive sign here!
Red Spring Boardwalk Trail
Shinarump Conglomerate - an important marker in local geology
Red Spring Boardwalk
Hiker returning to the fork in the trail (view NE)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Starting back down the switchbacks (view SE)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Nice view down the damp-soil hillside (view NE)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Hiker heading back down the ramp (view SE)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Then boardwalk switchbacks down the slope (view S)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Hiker in the switchbacks (view N)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Hiker continuing down the boardwalk (view S)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Hiker continuing down the boardwalk (view S)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Stopping to listen to birds singing in the trees (view N)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Hiker approaching the picnic area (view NE)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Hiker approaching the end of the boardwalk (view NW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
End of the boardwalk (view NW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
End of the boardwalk (view NW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Starting back through the picnic area (view NE)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Returning through the picnic area to the parking lot (view NE)

Fall Colors at Red Spring

Red Spring Red Spring
Red Spring Red Spring
Red Spring Red Spring
Red Spring Red Spring
Red Spring Red Spring
Red Spring Red Spring
Red Spring Red Spring
Red Spring Red Spring Boardwalk
Red Spring Red Spring
Red Spring Boardwalk
Fall colors at Red Spring (view S)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Fall colors at Red Spring (view NW)
Red Spring Boardwalk
Fall colors in the Red Spring meadow (view N)
Red Spring Boardwalk
The birds can't hide behind tree leaves!

Winter at Red Spring

Red Spring Boardwalk
Red Spring Boardwalk during winter
Red Spring Boardwalk
Red Spring Boardwalk during winter
Red Spring Boardwalk
Red Spring Boardwalk during winter
Red Spring Boardwalk
Red Spring Boardwalk during winter
Red Spring Boardwalk
Red Spring emerges from a short tunnel - winter 2002
Red Spring Boardwalk
Red Spring Boardwalk during winter
Red Spring Boardwalk
Red Spring Boardwalk during winter
Red Spring Boardwalk
Don't overlook winter-blooming flowers

Table 1. Hiking Coordinates Based on GPS Data (NAD27; UTM Zone 11S). Download Hiking GPS Waypoints (*.gpx) file.

Wpt. Location Easting Northing Elevation (ft) Point-to-Point Distance (mi) Cumulative Distance (mi) Verified
01 Red Spring Trailhead 642280 4001130 3,601 0.00 0.00 GPS
02 Red Spring 642181 4000923 3,651 0.16 0.16 GPS
03 Petroglyphs 642148 4001018 3,345 0.07 0.23 GPS
01 Red Spring Trailhead 642280 4001130 3,601 0.23 0.46 GPS

Happy Hiking! All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 240719

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