Jim Boone's Resume
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J. L. Boone, Ph.D., Ecology
Classes Taken During My College Career.

  College* Course Title Units** Grade
Wildlife Management        
  HSU Wildlife Management Techniques 4.0 A-
  HSU Upland Gamebird Management 4.0 A
  HSU Advanced Ornithology (Raptors Mgmt.) 4.0 A
  HSU Fish Biology and Management 4.0 A
  UGA Range and Wildlife Habitat Analysis and Management 5.0 B
  UGA Wildlife Management Problems 5.0 A
  COD Introduction to Wildlife Management 4.5 A
  HSU Field Problems 1.0 A
  COD Conservation of Natural Resources 4.5 A
  HSU Museum Techniques 3.0 A
  UGA Biological Conservation Seminar 1.0 A
  UGA Resources Research Methods 3.0 A
  HSU Senior Research 2.0 A
  UGA Master's Research 22.0 P
      Total: 67.0  
Wildlife Biology        
  COD Animal Behavior 1.5 A
  HSU Mammalogy 3.0 A
  HSU Ornithology 5.0 A
  HSU Wildlife diseases 4.5 B+
  HSU Biological Oceanography 3.0 A
      Total: 17.0  
  HSU General Ecology 4.0 A
  HSU Wildlife Ecology 5.0 A
  UGA Population Ecology 5.0 A
  UGA Theoretical Ecology 4.0 A
  UGA Ecol Seminar: Topics in Coevolution 1.0 A
  UGA Frontiers in Ecology 0.0 Audit
  UGA Ecological Research - Ph. D. 117.0 P
      Total: 136.0  
Basic Zoology        
  HSU General Zoology 5.0 A
  HSU Evolution 3.0 A
  HSU Genetics 4.0 A
  UGA Evolutionary Genetics 5.0 A
  UGA Experimental Population Genetics 5.0 A
  CR General Biology (1/2) 2.0 A
  HSU General Biology (1/2) 2.5 A
  HSU General Oceanography 5.0 A
  UGA Adv Topics in Population Genetics 3.0 A
      Total: 34.5  
Basic Botany        
  HSU General Botany 5.0 A
  HSU Aquatic Plants 3.0 A
  HSU Plant Taxonomy 5.0 A
  HSU Wetland Habitats 3.0 A
  COD Introduction to Forestry 4.5 A
  CR General Biology (1/2) 2.0 A
  HSU General Biology (1/2) 2.5 A
      Total: 25.0  
  CR General Chemistry 3.0 A
  HSU General Chemistry (A) 4.0 A
  HSU General Chemistry (B) 5.0 A
  HSU Soils 5.0 A
  HSU Physical Oceanography 3.0 P
  UGA Use and Interpretation of Aerial Photos 5.0 A
      Total: 25.0  
Basic Quantitative Science        
  CR Trigonometry 5.0 A
  CR Elementary Functions 5.0 B
  HSU Algebra and Elementary Functions 5.0 A
  HSU Calculus 5.0 A
  UGA Advanced Population Genetics: Adv. Math. Procedures 5.0 A
  HSU Linear Algebra 4.0 A
  UGA Applied Stochastic Processes 5.0 A
      Total: 34.0  
Applied Quantitative Sciences        
  HSU Basis of Statistical Reasoning 3.0 A
  HSU Elementary Biometry 3.0 A-
  HSU Experimental Design (A) 3.0 P
  HSU Experimental Design (B) 3.0 A
  HSU Sampling Theory 4.0 A
  HSU Multivariate Biometry 4.0 A
  HSU FORTRAN Programming 3.0 A
  HSU Adv. BASIC Programming 4.5 A
  UGA Ecological Modeling 5.0 A
  UGA Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 3.0 B
  CR Chemistry Calculations 2.0 A
  UGA Statistics: Experimental Design 5.0 A
  UGA Ecology Seminar: Spatial Statistics 1.0 A
  UGA Applied Multivariate Statistics 0.0 Audit
      Total: 43.5  
  CR General Psychology 4.0 A
  CR American Government 4.0 A
  HSU Ancient History 4.0 B+
  HSU Western US History 4.0 A-
  HSU Music 3.0 P
  HSU Anthropology 4.0 P
  HSU Philosophy 4.0 P
  CR Drawing 3.0 B
  CR Health Education 3.0 A
  HSU Health Education 4.0 P
  COD Emergency Medical Technician 12.0 A
      Total: 49.0  
  CR Grammar and Composition 4.0 A
  CR Reading and Composition 4.0 B
  CR Technical Report Writing 3.0 B
  COD Speech 4.5 B
  HSU Principles and Practice of Research (writing) 4.0 A-
  HSU Representational Drawing 3.0 A
  HSU Senior Seminar*** 1.0 P
  HSU Contemporary Ocean Problems*** 2.0 A
  UGA Wildlife Seminar*** 2.0 A
  UGA Masters Thesis 5.0 P
      Total: 32.5  
  COD Introduction to Law Enforcement 4.5 A
  SRCC NPS Law Enforcement Academy 4.5 A
  UGA Wilderness Management 5.0 A
  UGA Forest Recreational Area Development 5.0 A
  UGA Economics of Rural Environmental Protection 5.0 A
      Total: 24.0  

* College Names
UGA = University of Georgia, Athens, GA
HSU = Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA
SRCC = Santa Rosa Community College, Santa Rosa, CA
COD = College of the Desert, 29 Palms, CA
CR = College of the Redwoods, Eureka, CA

** quarter units
*** public speaking courses
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