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Great Spreadwing Damselfly (Archilestes grandis)
Invertebrates Around Las Vegas, Wildlife Around Las Vegas
Great Spreadwing (Archilestes grandis)

General: Great Spreadwings (Archilestes grandis) are the largest damselfly species in North America (to about 2-1/2 inches). Typical for spreadwings, they hold their wings out to the side rather than down along the body as do most damselflies. This species is colored coppery-green with light blue (pruinose) on the tip of the tail. The thorax is dark with one light line (becomes yellow in older males), and the wing-spots (stigma) are dark. Females are similar, but less colorful.

These active creatures are harmless to humans, but they are voracious predators of small flying insects such as flies and mosquitoes. There are some good places for Watching Damselflies Around Las Vegas.

Taxonomy: Order Odonata, Suborder Zygoptera, Family Lestidae.

Where to Find: Around Las Vegas, Great Spreadwings are uncommon. Watch for them over still waters.

Great Spreadwing (Archilestes grandis)
Aquarius Mts, NW Arizona
Great Spreadwing (Archilestes grandis)
Grand Canyon Parashant NM
Great Spreadwing (Archilestes grandis)
Grand Canyon Parashant NM
Great Spreadwing (Archilestes grandis)
Grand Canyon Parashant NM
Great Spreadwing (Archilestes grandis)
Red Rock Canyon NCA, White Rock Spring
Great Spreadwing (Archilestes grandis)
Grand Canyon Parashant NM
Great Spreadwing (Archilestes grandis)
Red Rock Canyon NCA, White Rock Spring
Great Spreadwing (Archilestes grandis)
Note: coppery-green thorax, one light line on side
Great Spreadwing (Archilestes grandis)
Male: tip of abdomen bluish; upper appendages semi-circular
Great Spreadwing (Archilestes grandis)
Grand Canyon Parashant NM

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
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