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Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Trees Around Las Vegas, Vegetation Around Las Vegas
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite tree

General: Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa) is a medium-sized, spindly, many branched, thorny tree with long, straight, stout spines along the stems. The leaves are compound with many paired, long-narrow, glossy-smooth leaflets. Honey Mesquite produce bean pods that are large, flat, and sickle-shaped (more-or-less straight compared to the other local mesquite: Screwbean Mesquite (Prosopis pubescens).

Honey Mesquite are fairly common components of wash communities and other wet areas in the Lower Sonoran (Creosote-Bursage Flats) and Upper Sonoran (Mojave Desert Scrub) life zones, mostly south of Las Vegas.

Family: Pea (Fabaceae). The genus Prosopis (Mesquites) has been broken up into six genera based on molecular and morphological evidence, and all six genera are distinguishable by fruit and spine characters. Prosopis is now restricted to the old-world, and Neltuma and Strombocarpa represent new-world species.

Other Names: Glandular mesquite. Prosopis glandulosa.

Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite developing seed pods

Plant Form: Medium-sized, spindly, many branching tree; forms thickets.

Height: Usually 15-20 ft

Trunk: Thick with rough bark.

Leaves: Compound leaves with many long, narrow leaflets. Leaflets smooth (hairless). The species of mesquite in Arizona (Velvet Mesquite, Prosopis velutina), has hairy leaflets. The leaflets are also short and wide compared to Honey Mesquite.

Flowers: Bottlebrush-shaped catkins on a stalk (spikes). Individual flowers are small, creamy or pale yellow, and tubular. Blooms late spring to early fall.

Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite stems with stout thorns

Seeds: Large; seeds born in long, straight, string-bean-like pods.

Distribution: Southern California to western Oklahoma, south into Mexico.


Comments: These plants indicate the presence of water, but the roots can penetrate 70-80 feet to reach it, so it probably isn't worth digging to find water.

Honey Mesquite were a staple in the diet of southwestern Native Americans. They ground the seeds and seed pods to make flower for baking.

Mesquite often are parasitized by Mesquite Mistletoe, which appears as clumps of stems with white or red berries. Phainopepla depend on these berries for food, but they are toxic to humans.

Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Mesquite tree on desert flats
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Mesquite trees lining a desert wash
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Mesquite thicket
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
State record: largest Honey Mesquite tree in Nevada
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite on high ground in a playa
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite with shaggy bark
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite with long, stout, sharp spines
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Stout spines
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Stout spines
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Stout spines
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Stout spines
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite with very long, stout spines
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite with very long, stout spines
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa) Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Leaves compound with many paired, long-narrow, glossy-smooth leaflets
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
One compound leaf in the palm of my hand
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
One compound leaf with many long, narrow leaflets (upper surface)
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
One compound leaf with glossy-smooth leaflets (lower surface)
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Paired, glossy-smooth leaflets; long and narrow
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Paired, glossy-smooth leaflets; long and narrow
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Flower buds
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Flower buds
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa) Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa) Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa) Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa) Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa) Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa) Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa) Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa) Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite ripening beanpods
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite ripening beanpods
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite with dried fruits
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite with dried fruits
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite with dried fruits
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Dried fruits in a Honey Mesquite tree
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite ripe beanpods
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite ripe beanpods
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite drying seed pods
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite dry seed pods
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
During late summer, beanpods fall to the ground
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Many beanpods on the ground
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite without leaves during winter
Honey Mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa)
Honey Mesquite branches without leaves during winter

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate. Names generally follow the USDA database.
copyright; Last updated 231203

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