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Button Brittlebush (Encelia frutescens)
Shrubs Around Las Vegas, Vegetation Around Las Vegas
Button Brittlebush (Encelia frutescens)

General: Button Brittlebush (Encelia frutescens) is a rounded, thigh-high shrub with medium-sized gray, prickly leaves and with many flower stalks extending above the tight ball of leaves. Each flower stalk is tipped with a large, yellow, daisy flower that lacks "petals," that is, the flowers are rayless.

Button Brittlebush is a common component of vegetation communities along washes, on bajadas, and on the lower slopes of mountains in the Lower Sonoran (Creosote-Bursage Flats) and Upper Sonoran (Mojave Desert Scrub) life zones.

Around Las Vegas, look for Button Brittlebush to the south of town in places like the Mojave National Preserve and other areas farther south and west.

Family: Sunflower (Asteraceae)

Button Brittlebush (Encelia frutescens) Button Brittlebush (Encelia frutescens)
Button Brittlebush (Encelia frutescens) Button Brittlebush (Encelia frutescens)
Button Brittlebush (Encelia frutescens) Button Brittlebush (Encelia frutescens)
Button Brittlebush (Encelia frutescens) Button Brittlebush (Encelia frutescens)
Button Brittlebush (Encelia frutescens)
Daisy flower that lacks "petals"
Button Brittlebush (Encelia frutescens)
Rayless daisy flower
Button Brittlebush (Encelia frutescens) Button Brittlebush (Encelia frutescens)
Button Brittlebush (Encelia frutescens) Button Brittlebush (Encelia frutescens)

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate. Names generally follow the USDA database.
copyright; Last updated 220102

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