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Yuma Silverbush (Ditaxis serrata)
Shrubs Around Las Vegas, Vegetation Around Las Vegas
Yuma Silverbush (Ditaxis serrata)

General: Yuma Silverbush (Ditaxis serrata) is a stiff-stemmed subshrub with lanceolate, very hairy leaves. The stems are also covered with long hairs. The flowers are born in leaf axils with staminate flowers held above pistillate flowers. The flower petals are white. In the staminate flowers, the sepals and petals are short (to 2.5 mm). In the pistillate flowers, the sepals are longer than the petals.

Yuma Silverbush is an uncommon component of vegetation communities in dry, well-drained sandy and gravelly areas on desert flats and lower bajadas in the Lower Sonoran (Creosote-Bursage Flats) and Upper Sonoran (Mojave Desert Scrub) life zones.

Around Las Vegas, look for this species in the southern California deserts and over into Arizona.

Family: Spurge (Euphorbiaceae). Formerly Argythamnia serrata.

Yuma Silverbush (Ditaxis serrata)
Often a small plant ...
Yuma Silverbush (Ditaxis serrata)
... it sometimes a small shrub
Yuma Silverbush (Ditaxis serrata) Yuma Silverbush (Ditaxis serrata)
Yuma Silverbush (Ditaxis serrata) Yuma Silverbush (Ditaxis serrata)
Yuma Silverbush (Ditaxis serrata) Yuma Silverbush (Ditaxis serrata)
Yuma Silverbush (Ditaxis serrata) Yuma Silverbush (Ditaxis serrata)
Yuma Silverbush (Ditaxis serrata) Yuma Silverbush (Ditaxis serrata)
Yuma Silverbush (Ditaxis serrata) Yuma Silverbush (Ditaxis serrata)
Yuma Silverbush (Ditaxis serrata)
Staminate and pistillate flowers
Yuma Silverbush (Ditaxis serrata)
Developing fruits
Yuma Silverbush (Ditaxis serrata) Yuma Silverbush (Ditaxis serrata)

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate. Names generally follow the USDA database.
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