General: Camelthorn (Alhagi maurorum) is an invasive noxious weed. The stems are greenish and many branched. The leaves are oval and leathery, and each leaf axil supports a short stem with a sharp, pointed tip. Flowers are reddish to purplish pea flowers.
Camelthorn is an invasive noxious weed. Around Las Vegas, this species is uncommon -- let's all work to make sure it stays that way. Keep an eye out for this species. Look for Camelthorn along the Virgin River upstream from the Overton Wildlife Management Area. Land managers are actively working to eradicate Camelthorn, so hopefully you won't see it anywhere. Camelthorn is on the "Watch Weeds" list in the Lower Las Vegas Wash, and it is on the Lake Mead NRA "Top 10 Invasive Species" list.
This is a noxious weed. If hikers and other visitors to the native habitats around Las Vegas see this species, please report the observation to the Nevada Department of Agriculture. If you have this species on your private property, please consider eradicating it. |