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Indian Breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum)
Perennial Forbs Around Las Vegas, Vegetation Around Las Vegas
Indian breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum)

General: Indian Breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum) is a low-growing, somewhat mounded annual forb with many basal leaves and short flowering stalks. The petioles are long, the leaves are palmate (like a hand with an upright palm and fingers held upward), but the leaflets are unequal in length. Flowerheads look a bit like pine cones with purple pea flowers peeking out.

Calyx lobes very unequal (lower lobe much enlarged).

Indian breadroot is an uncommon component of desert vegetation communities. Around Las Vegas, look for this species northeast of town from the east end of Dry Lake Valley eastward into the northwestern corner of Arizona.

Family: Legume (Fabaceae).

Other Names: Beaver Dam scurfpea, Beaver scurfpea, beaver dam breadroot, beaver Indian breadroot, Psoralea castorea.

Indian breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum)

Plant Form: Perennial forb with a deep root.

Height: To a few inches high.

Stems: None.

Leaves: Petiole to about 5 inches long; Blade palmate with 4 or 5 leaflets (like a lupine leaf).

Flowers: Blooms in the spring. Inflorescence: dense raceme. Pea flowers purple, about 1/2 inches long. The flower has a single, broad, lower lobe.

Seeds: Fruit is a hairy oval bean pod with a long, curved beak. Seeds ridged, gray, about 6-mm long.

Indian breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum)
Lower calyx lobes much larger than the others (others not seen)

Habitat: Desert flats with high mud content. Also apparently gravely and sandy soils.

Elevation: To about 2,000 to 5,000 feet.

Distribution: Southern Nevada (Clark Co.) and northwestern Arizona (Mojave Co.), eastern California. Distribution limited.

Comments: This species is, or has been, considered sensitive by the BLM and USFWS. Conservation Status Rank is G3-S3: Vulnerable—At moderate risk of extinction due to a restricted range, relatively few populations (often 80 or fewer), recent and widespread declines, or other factors.

Indian breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum)
Indian breadroots in southern Gold Butte National Monument
Indian breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum)
Indian breadroot in southern Gold Butte National Monument
Indian breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum)
Indian breadroot in southern Gold Butte National Monument
Indian breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum)
Indian breadroot: usually 5 leaflets, sometimes 3 or 4
Indian breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum)
Indian breadroot in Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument
Indian breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum)
Indian breadroot in Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument
Indian breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum) Indian breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum)
Indian breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum)
Indian breadroot leaves
Indian breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum)
Indian breadroot leaves
Indian breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum)
Indian breadroot leaf (dorsal surface)
Indian breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum)
Indian breadroot leaf (ventral surface)
Indian breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum)
Indian breadroot flower buds
Indian breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum)
Indian breadroot flower buds
Indian Breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum)
Indian breadroot flowerhead showing enlarged lower calyx lobes
Indian Breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum)
Indian breadroot flowerhead showing enlarged lower calyx lobes
Indian breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum)
Indian breadroot flowers
Indian breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum)
Indian breadroot flowers
Indian breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum)
Indian breadroot flowers
Indian breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum)
Indian breadroot flowers
Indian breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum)
Indian breadroot going to seed
Indian breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum)
Indian breadroot going to seed
Indian breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum)
Indian breadroot going to seed
Indian breadroot (Pediomelum castoreum)
Indian breadroot going to seed

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate. Names generally follow the USDA database.
copyright; Last updated 246022

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