Flowers: Blooms during summer. Inflorescence: numerous flowers borne at each leaf node along the stem. Pedicels to 4-inches long. Flowers: large and complex; flower parts in 4s, set at right angles; yellowish green with purple-dots.
Seeds: Fruit: capsule. Seeds: many.
Habitat: Usually found in mountain meadows and open woodlands. In southern Nevada, found on steep, dry, well-drained gravelly and rocky soils in the higher mountains. I know of this species only from the northeast side of Virgin Peak where it occurs among a Pleistocene relict stand of Douglas Fir and White Fir.
Elevation: 5,000 to 10,000 feet.
Distribution: Western U.S. mountains from California to Washington, South Dakota, and New Mexico.
Comments: This species may be a Pleistocene relict. |