General: Western Wallflower (Erysimum capitatum) is a biennial or short-lived perennial herb with a cluster of long, linear leaves near the base and usually a single upright stalk with a ball of yellow flowers at the top.
Western Wallflower is a common component of vegetation communities in open, forested mountain areas in the Transition (Yellow Pine Forest) and Canadian (Pine-Fir Forest) life zones.
Family: Mustard (Brassicaceae).
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Plant Form: Upright perennial forb growing from a basal rosette.
Height: Usually shin- to knee-high
Stems: Usually one, upright.
Leaves: Leaves in basal rosettes and cauline; linear, entire; tip generally acute; to 25 cm long. Leaves with branched hairs.
Flowers: Blooms in the spring and early summer. Inflorescence: raceme. Petals 12–30 mm, yellow. |
Seeds: Fruit silique; generally upright, 3–15 cm long, 1–4 mm wide, fleshy when immature, flattened when mature. Seed 1–4 mm long, 1–2 mm wide.
Habitat: Dry, open woodlands around Las Vegas
Elevation: To about 13,000 feet.
Distribution: Widespread across the western and central North America.
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