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Woolly Easterbonnets (Antheropeas wallacei)
Annual Forbs Around Las Vegas, Vegetation Around Las Vegas
Woolly Easterbonnets (Antheropeas wallacei)

General: Woolly Easterbonnets (Antheropeas wallacei) are annual forbs that grows close to the ground, a typical "belly flower." Getting down on your belly, flower watchers will notice the small yellow, sunflower-type flowers with woolly hairs on the stems and leaves (woolly, but not cobweb-covered). The tip of the leaf is rounded, not notched.

Woolly Easterbonnets is a common, sometimes abundant, component of vegetation communities in dry, well-drained gravelly areas on bajadas into the lower mountains in the Lower Sonoran (Creosote-Bursage Flats) and Upper Sonoran (Mojave Desert Scrub and Pinyon-Juniper Woodland) life zones.

Family: Sunflower (Asteraceae)

Other Names: formerly Antheropeas wallacei.

Woolly Easterbonnets (Antheropeas wallacei) Woolly Easterbonnets (Antheropeas wallacei)
Woolly Easterbonnets (Antheropeas wallacei)
Leaves with woolly hairs, tip not notched
Woolly Easterbonnets (Antheropeas wallacei)
Leaves with woolly hairs, tip not notched
Woolly Easterbonnets (Antheropeas wallacei) Woolly Easterbonnets (Antheropeas wallacei)
Woolly Easterbonnets (Antheropeas wallacei) Woolly Easterbonnets (Antheropeas wallacei)
Woolly Easterbonnets (Antheropeas wallacei) Woolly Easterbonnets (Antheropeas wallacei)
Woolly Easterbonnets (Antheropeas wallacei)
During dry years, few plants grow, and then as a single stem
Woolly Easterbonnets (Antheropeas wallacei)
During dry years, few plants grow, and then as a single stem
Woolly Easterbonnets (Antheropeas wallacei)
During dry years, few plants grow, and then as a single stem
Woolly Easterbonnets (Antheropeas wallacei)
During dry years, plants can grow as a single stem
Woolly Easterbonnets (Antheropeas wallacei)
During dry years, single stem with one long root
Woolly Easterbonnets (Antheropeas wallacei)
During dry years, plants can grow as a single stem with one long root
Woolly Easterbonnets (Antheropeas wallacei)
Yellow ray and disk flowers
Woolly Easterbonnets (Antheropeas wallacei)
Yellow ray and disk flowers

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate. Names generally follow the USDA database.
copyright; Last updated 240905

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