Anchorage: birding along ponds and the shore |
June 25, 2018. Anchorage.
The bird trip technically ends this morning after breakfast in Anchorage, but it really ended last night after dinner, and everyone but us was already gone by dawn.
Liz and I had the day to relax. We slept late, had a quiet breakfast at the hotel, then went into town. We rode the bus (with plenty of walking) to two quilt shops so that Liz could look for local fabric patterns not available at home.
After the quilt stores, we returned (via the bus) for a third time to Winchester Lagoon. The first time we were there, birds were courting, the second time they were sitting on nests, and this time we saw lots of young Red-throated Grebes, Mew Gulls, Mallard Ducks, and Black-capped Chickadees out and about being fed by parents. It has been interesting to see the changes in the vegetation too with lots of wildflowers now going to seed. Spring is short here.
We ate dinner at Taco King, a small chain here with pretty good Mexican food. Night in Anchorage (Coast International Inn) for the last time.
Trip Map. |