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Mud Wash Dunes Route
Hiking Around Las Vegas, Gold Butte National Monument
Mud Wash Dunes
Mud Wash Dunes
Trailhead parking (view N)


The hike to the Mud Wash Dune Field is easy, nearly level, and runs only 1-1/4 miles round-trip, although in country like this, hikers are free to go as far as they like. The dune field is reached in about 300 yards, and from there it stretches northwest for another 0.6 miles.

Pushed up against red sandstone crags and dotted with Eastern Joshua Trees, the red dunes appear to be moving northward, but they don't get anywhere. This is a great place to wander around in the sand, look for the homes and tracks of wild animals, look for flowers during spring, and generally revel in the unusually red-colored sand.

Link to hiking map.

Mud Wash Dunes
A post-and-cable fence blocks the old road (view N)

Watch Out

Other than the standard warnings about hiking in the desert, ... this is a fairly safe area without any unusual hazards.

This is a wild and remote area without services of any kind (no restrooms, no water, no gas, no food). Bring what you need to survive. Be prepared and be self-reliant. Someone will find you eventually if you stay on a main road, but be prepared to survive alone for a day or two. Cell phones only work along parts of the paved road.

While hiking, please respect the land and the other people out there, and try to Leave No Trace of your passage. Also, even though this hike is short, the area is remote, so be sure to bring what you need of the 10 Essentials. Cell phones don't work here.

Mud Wash Dunes
Trail starts on the old road (view N)

Getting to the Trailhead

The Mud Wash Dune Field is located out in Gold Butte National Monument at the northeast end of Lake Mead, about 3 hours northeast of Las Vegas in a wild, remote, and scenic area.

From town, drive out to Gold Butte National Monument. From Whitney Pocket, continue south on the unpaved Gold Butte Road for 3.9 miles to Mud Wash North Road.

Turn right onto Mud Wash North Road and drive southwest and downstream for 3.2 miles to Mud Wash Road. Stay right onto Mud Wash Road, continuing downstream for another 0.6 miles to Mud Wash Dunes Road, which climbs the steep bank of the wash on the right.

Turn right onto Mud Wash Dunes Road and drive north for 0.5 miles to the end of the road. Trailhead parking is on the right when entering the turn-about at the end of the road.

Mud Wash Dunes
Trail runs on old road along base of cliffs (view N)

The Hike

From the trailhead (Table 1, Waypoint 01), the route runs north following an old road along the base of red sandstone cliffs. The old road runs slightly down hill, but it is essentially level. About 300 yards out, the old road reaches an intersection marked with a carsonite sign. Here, a spur-trail leads into the south end of the dune field.

The dune field stretches out for another 0.6 miles, and continuing, the old road runs north, bends a bit to the west, and generally follows the edge of the dune field, although farther out, some parts are obscured by the moving sand.

At about 0.6 miles out, the trail forks. The natural tendency is to stay right and wander down a wash, but the trail stays left on the edge of the dune field for another 200 yards. In this area, hikers can return to the trailhead or continue around the sandstone crags to Little Finland, and loop back over the hills to the trailhead.

Mud Wash Dunes
Trail runs on old road along base of cliffs (view N)
Mud Wash Dunes
Approaching a fork in the trail (view N)
Mud Wash Dunes
Trail forks; hiker heading into the dune field (view N)
Mud Wash Dunes
Mud Wash Dunes (view N)
Mud Wash Dunes
Hikers in dune field (view NW)
Mud Wash Dunes
Dunes form along the base of the cliffs (view N)
Mud Wash Dunes
Dunes form along the base of the cliffs (view N)
Mud Wash Dunes
Mud Wash Dunes (view N)
Mud Wash Dunes Mud Wash Dunes
Mud Wash Dunes Mud Wash Dunes
Mud Wash Dunes Mud Wash Dunes
Mud Wash Dunes Mud Wash Dunes
Mud Wash Dunes
The sand drifts back and forth (view NE)
Mud Wash Dunes
This crag marks a good place to turn around (view N)
Mud Wash Dunes
Grand scenery beyond the dunes (view N)
Mud Wash Dunes
The dunes offer a plethora of opportunities for photography
Mud Wash Dunes
The dunes begin to diminish to the north (view N)
Mud Wash Dunes
Sandy desert flats, but no longer a dune field (view NW)

The Main Dirt Road Bypasses most of the Drifting Sand

Mud Wash Dunes
From the fork, the main trail continues north (view N)
Mud Wash Dunes
For Eastern Joshua Trees, these are unusually tall and skinny
Mud Wash Dunes
The old road becomes faint (view NW)
Mud Wash Dunes
Faint old road continues (view NW)
Mud Wash Dunes
The main route stays left into the sand (view NW) ...
Mud Wash Dunes
... but eventually disappears into the shifting sand (view NW)

Tracks in the Sand

Mud Wash Dunes
Kangaroo Rat tracks
Mud Wash Dunes
Kangaroo Rat tracks
Mud Wash Dunes
Beetle tracks
Mud Wash Dunes
Snake track? Nope, Kangaroo Rat dragging its tail
Mud Wash Dunes
Kit Fox tracks
Mud Wash Dunes
Kit Fox and bird tracks
Mud Wash Dunes
Kit Fox tracks
Mud Wash Dunes
Kit Fox tracks
Mud Wash Dunes
Pocket Gopher skull
Mud Wash Dunes
Pocket Gopher jaw
Mud Wash Dunes
Human tracks
more to come
More to come ...

Petroglyphs along the Dunes

Mud Wash Dunes
Petroglyphs along the trail
Mud Wash Dunes
Petroglyphs along the trail
Mud Wash Dunes
Petroglyphs along the trail
Mud Wash Dunes
Petroglyphs along the trail
Mud Wash Dunes Mud Wash Dunes
Mud Wash Dunes Mud Wash Dunes
Mud Wash Dunes
Interesting concretions on vertical sandstone wall
Mud Wash Dunes
Interesting concretions on vertical sandstone wall

Returning to the Trailhead

dfg Mud Wash Dunes
Mud Wash Dunes
Stormy days accentuate the red colors (view S)
Mud Wash Dunes
Stormy days accentuate the red colors (view S)
Mud Wash Dunes
This monster guards the return to the trailhead (view S)
Mud Wash Dunes
This monster guards the return to the trailhead (view S)
Mud Wash Dunes
Arriving at the Mud Wash Dunes trailhead (view S)
more to come
More to come ...

Table 1. Hiking Coordinates and Distances based on GPS Data (NAD27; UTM Zone 11S). Download Hiking GPS Waypoints (gpx) file.

Wpt. Location UTM Easting UTM Northing Elevation (ft) Point-to-Point Distance (mi) Cumulative Distance (mi) Verified
01 Mud Wash Dunes Trailhead 751079 4036857 2,039 0.00 0.00 GPS
02 Old Road into Dune Field 751081 4037116 2,029 0.17 0.17 GPS
03 Trail Junction 750918 4037712 1,977 0.41 0.58 GPS
01 Mud Wash Dunes Trailhead 751079 4036857 2,039 0.58 1.16 GPS

Happy Hiking! All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 240325

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