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Birding Around the Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Birding Around Las Vegas, Urban Las Vegas Valley
Birding Around the Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Galleria Drive approaching HBVP Access Road (view E)


The Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve (HBVP) is one of the best places in southern Nevada to watch birds and dragonflies. Marsh and stream-side habitat in the nearby Las Vegas Wash, combined with open ponds and trees in the HBVP, attracts birds of all kinds to water in this otherwise parched land. Desert species, waterbirds, wading birds, migrant songbirds, and shorebirds can be abundant here. Paved (fully accessible except for damaged pavement) and dirt (mostly accessible) walkways run on dikes that divide the area into nine vegetation-lined ponds. The dikes provide many vantage points, and an observation tower gives good views over several ponds. Access is free, but HBVP closes early, especially during summer.

The HBVP began as part of the Henderson sewage treatment system, but with changes in the process, the HBVP now uses reclaimed water, and the odor is gone. Even so, remain on the trails and stay out of the mud and water. All visitors must sign-in before entering the Preserve, so don't sneak around the Visitor Center building into the preserve.

Link to Area Map or Site Map.

Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Galleria Drive at HBVP Access Road (view E)

Be sure to chat with the Visitor Center staff to see where the action is and if any unusual species have been seen recently. Also be sure to pick up (or at least take a look at) the Preserve map and a Bird List (PDF). Out in the Preserve, strategically placed benches provide places to sit quietly and watch the ducks and grebes, and trash cans and outhouses around the Preserve provide for other needs. Remember, this was a sewage treatment facility, so stay out of the water.

When walking through the preserve, check the ponds for waterbirds, check the shrubs (mostly saltbush) and cattails for passerines, watch the shrubs outside the fence for sparrows, quail, and thrashers, and keep an eye on the sky for falcons, hawks, swallows, and swifts.

Accessible Trail

For birders who need an accessible trail (or maybe just pushing a stroller), start at the Visitor Center and follow the paved trail staying to the left (northwest). Angle right at the first trail junction and follow the dike between Ponds 1 and 2 (north) to a bench looking north over Pond 2. The tree-covered island just offshore usually has ducks floating among the low-hanging branches and Black-crowned Night Herons in the branches.

Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Visitor Center (view N from parking lot)

Continue following the paved trail right (east) between Ponds 1 and 2. When the paved trail bends left (north), be sure to look south where freshwater flows into Pond 1. This area often has lots of ducks.

Continuing north on the paved trail along Pond 2, birders reach the Observation Tower. For those who can't climb the stairs, seek solace in the fact that the trees are growing so tall that they block most of the elevated view.

Past the Observation Tower, the paved trail bends left, looping around the north side of Pond 2. Now heading west, the trail runs between Ponds 2 and 4 with limited views into Pond 4. Farther west, the paved trail continues between Ponds 3 and 4. At the western edge of the Preserve, the paved trail bends left to loop around the west edge of Pond 3. The tree-covered island in the northwest corner of Pond 3 is the best place in southern Nevada to see Wood Ducks. Now heading back south, the paved trail runs along the west edges of Ponds 3, 2, and 1. The ground under trees on the right is where I expect to see Abert's Towhees. Benches and information signs are scattered all along this route. The paved trail leads straight back to the Visitor Center.

Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Visitor Center interior: everyone signs in

Short Walk

For birders who want a slightly longer route, a good short walk is to start at the Visitor Center and make a loop out around Pond 9 and back. This short walk provides viewing opportunities over ponds (ducks), open land (Horned Larks, American Pipits), and cattail marshes (Marsh Wrens, Least Bittern (rarely), and Yellow-headed Blackbirds).

For this short walk, start at the Visitor Center and walk out the paved trail staying to the left. Angle to the right at the first trail junction and walk along the dike between Ponds 1 and 2. When the paved trail bends left, continue straight (east) on the gravel trail past Pond 5 to the blind on Pond 9 (ducks, grebes, and other waterbirds). From there, loop around the east end of Pond 9 and back southwest between Ponds 6 and 9 to the Visitor Center.

Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Exiting Visitor Center onto back porch (view N)

Longer Walk

For a longer walk, my regular hike through the area, start at the Visitor Center and walk out the paved trail staying to the left. As with the short walk, stay right at the first fork and walk out to Pond 9. Continue east then north along Pond 9, and then continue north along the east edge of Pond 6. Strolling between the Pond 6 and the perimeter fence provides opportunity to see desert species in the shrub thickets and flats outside the fence. Continue north to the corners of Ponds 6, 7, and 8. Walk west between Ponds 7 and 8 until reaching an intersection at the start of the boardwalk onto Pond 4. Follow the boardwalk out through desert shrubs and trees to the edge of Pond 4. The boardwalk used to be good for viewing shorebirds, but trees are choking out the shorebird habitat because area managers have failed to manipulate water levels (a concept that is covered in entry level wetlands management courses). After the boardwalk, turn right and head south to the Observation Tower. From the tower, turn right onto the paved trail and continue west between Ponds 2 and 4 and the farther west between Ponds 3 and 4. At the next intersection, stay left around the curve on the paved trail and head back south along the west edges of Ponds 3, 2, and 1 to the Visitor Center.

Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve Birdseed feeder on back porch (view NW)


The Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve is located on the southeast edge of the Las Vegas Valley, about 15 minutes from downtown, in the town of Henderson.

Link to Area Map or Site Map. [google map]

From downtown, drive south on Highway 93 for 11.5 miles to Galleria Drive. Exit the highway, turn left onto Galleria, and drive east for 1.8 miles (across Boulder Highway) to the HBVP Access Road. Turn left and follow the pavement as it winds east and north into the HBVP parking area.

For better directions, photos, and GPS coordinates, see HBVP Access Road.

Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Birdseed feeder off Visitor Center back porch (view NW)


The Preserve is open daily, but last entry is 30 minutes before closing time. Closed December 24, December 25, and January 1.

Season Months Hours
Winter December, January, February 7 am - 2 pm
Spring March, April, May 7 am - 2 pm
Summer June, July, August 6 am - 12 noon
Fall September, October, November 7 am - 2 pm
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Picnic tables on Visitor Center back porch (view NE)


Free admission, but all visitors must sign in at the Visitor Center, and first-time visitors must sign a liability waver. Don't worry, the area is safe for smart people.


During winter, this is a good place to see waterfowl and other waterbirds (e.g., grebes, wading birds, shorebirds, and gulls). During spring and fall migrations, a great variety of species may be found here, and the site is good for flycatchers (e.g., Western Kingbird, Cassin's Kingbird, Black Phoebe, and Say's Phoebe), swallows, swifts, and sparrows. This site also attracts desert species such as Gambel's Quail, Sage Sparrow, Crissal Thrasher, Verdin, Abert's Towhee, Black-chinned Hummingbird, and Costa's Hummingbirds.

Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Bench and information sign at edge of Pond 1 (view E)

Summer is the quiet time of year, but there always are interesting birds around (e.g., Greater Roadrunner and Abert's Towhee don't leave when it gets hot), and Least Bittern breed here.

For More Information

For more information, call the Preserve (702-267-4180) or visit the Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve website (note: if this link doesn't work, google "Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve").

Be sure to watch for other wildlife, such as gopher snakes, coachwhip snakes, western whiptail lizards, zebra-tailed lizards, coyotes, black-tailed jackrabbits, desert cottontail rabbits, pond turtles, lots of dragonfly and damselfly species, and others.

Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Exiting Visitor Center to the right
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Exiting Visitor Center to the right: info signs and shaded pavilion
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Exiting Visitor Center to the right: tortoise sharing lunch with a friend
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Exiting Visitor Center to the right: tortoise heading for home
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Exiting Visitor Center to the left onto the trails (view N)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Pond 1 (view N)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Bench in the shade along Pond 1 (view NW)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Approaching a trail junction (view NW)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Trail junction: my favorite route bends right (view N)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Pond 1 (view NE)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Signs overlooking Pond 1 (view NE)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Approaching bend in the trail (view N)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Bench at the curve overlooking Pond 2 (view N)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Trees on Pond 2 often harbor Black-crowned Night Herons)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Ducks on Pond 2 (view NE)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Trail curving to the right (view NE)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
During winter, Pond 2 can be covered with ducks (view N)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Trail between Pond 2 and Pond 1 (view E)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Pond 1 with a few American Coots (view SW)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Pond 1 at water inflow structure (view SE)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Birder continuing past Pond 1 and Pond 2 (view E)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Birder departing paved trail (view NE)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Birder on trail south of Pond 5 (view E)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Approaching observation blind at Pond 5 (view E)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Observation blind at Pond 5 (view N)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Great Blue Heron seen from observation blind at Pond 5 (view E)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Gravel trail forks: my route stays right along Pond 9 (view E)
Henderson Bird Viewing PreserveBirder along south edge of Pond 9 (view E)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Open land south of Pond 9 -- watch for Horned Larks (view SE)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Approaching observation blind at Pond 9 (view E)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Trees on island in Pond 9 (view N)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Observation blind at Pond 9 (view NE)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
View from near observation blind at Pond 9 (view N)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Trail continues along south edge of Pond 9 (view E)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Pond 9 (view N)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Trail bends left at corner of Pond 9 (view E)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Outhouse at corner of Pond 9 (view N)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Trail continues north along east edge of Pond 9 (view N)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Birders along east edge of Pond 9 (view N)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Pond 9 (view NW)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Trail continues north along east edge of Pond 9 (view N)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Trail reaching northeast corner of Pond 9 (view N)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
At intersection of trail, I like to stay right (view N)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Pond 6 (view N)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Shrubs outside the fence often harbor interesting birds (view N)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Looking over the cattails into Pond 6 (view SW)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Bench along Pond 6 (view NW)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Side-loop trail to unused, Burrowing Owl habitat (view N)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Approaching intersection of trails (view NW)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Intersection of trails (view NW)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Intersection of trails (view NW)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Observation blind overlooking Pond 8 (view NW)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Observation blind overlooking Pond 8 (view NW)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Trail continues past the intersection (view SW)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Birder on trail between Pond 7 and Pond 8 (view SW)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Looking over the cattails into Pond 7 (view S)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
A bench in the shade between Pond 7 and Pond 8 (view SW)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Looking over the cattails into Pond 7 (view SE)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Birder approaching an intersection of trails (view SW)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
At intersection, observation blind overlooking Pond 8 (view N)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
At intersection, one trail turns back towards Visitor Center (view S)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
At intersection, boardwalk starts into Pond 4 (view SW)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Start of Boardwalk (view W)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Shrubs growing up because the pond is no longer flooded (view SW)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Shrubs growing up because the pond is no longer flooded (view SW)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
The Boardwalk has been dry for years (view NW)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Trees have overgrown the boardwalk (view N)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Birder approaching end of the boardwalk (view N)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Limited shorebird habitat (view N from boardwalk)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
American Avocets and Snowy Egret (view NE from Boardwalk)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
In the old days, Pond 4 was managed for shorebirds
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
In the old days, Pond 4 was managed for shorebirds
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Trees have overgrown the boardwalk (view N)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Limited shorebird habitat (view W from boardwalk)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
An invasive species: American Bullfrogs
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
An invasive species: American Bullfrog
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Birder returning over the boardwalk (view SE)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Birder reaching start of the boardwalk (view NE)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Back at the intersection, my favorite route turns south (view S)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Birder approaching the observation tower (view S)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Turning left under the observation tower (view S)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Observation tower (view W)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Under the tower, view across Pond 5 (view E)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Returning towards the main trail (view W)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Turning left towards observation tower stairs (view S)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Approaching the observation tower (view E)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Looking out from atop observation tower (view E)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Looking out from atop observation tower (view N)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Looking out from atop observation tower (view SE)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Exiting the observation tower westbound (view W)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Off observation tower, continuing on my favorite route (view NW)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Paved trail between Pond 2 and Pond 4 (view W)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
American Coots on Pond 2 (view SW)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Paved trail between Pond 2 and Pond 4 (view W)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Pond 2 (view SW)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Water control valve draining Pond 2 into Pond 4 (view W)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Birder at trail junction between Ponds 2, 3, and 4 (view W)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Trail between Ponds 2 and 3 (view S)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Bench in the shade overlooking Pond 3 (view W)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
The paved trail continues between Ponds 3 and 4 (view NW)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Trail with open view onto Pond 3 (view NW)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
The paved trail continues between Ponds 3 and 4 (view NW)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Narrow view onto Pond 4 (view N)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Paved trail approaching curve, intersection, and observation blind
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
From curve, dirt trail runs along west side of Pond 4 (view N)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
At the curve, a beautiful and docile Gopher Snake
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
The paved trail curves left (view SW)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Trail signs are scattered around the area
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Birder on paved trail along west edge of Pond 3 (view S)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Look for Abert's Towhees under the mesquite (view W)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Birder on paved trail along west edge of Pond 3 (view SE)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Pond 3 (view SE)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Bench with a view over Pond 3 (view SE)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
The trail continues along west edge of Pond 3 (view SE)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
The trail continues along west edge of Pond 3 (view SE)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Bench and info sign along west edge of Pond 3 (view SE)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Observation blind overlooking narrow arm of Pond 2
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Closing the loop (view S)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Shady return towards the Visitor Center (view S)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Approaching the Visitor Center (view S)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Returning towards the Visitor Center (view S)
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Returning to the back porch of the Visitor Center (view W)

Some birds and views at Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve

Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Mixed waterfowl during winter
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Mixed waterfowl during winter
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Watch for Greater Roadrunners on the roads!
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Wading birds in shallow water
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Lots of duck species
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Ducks and grebes
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Wading birds flying in
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Great Egrets in roost trees
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Variegated Meadowhawk dragonflies in a mating circle
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Swallows on telephone wires
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Birders using a small blind
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
White-faced Ibis in flight

Happy birding! All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 241009

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